Mars Needs Moms and more…

I can’t help it! I have to blog one more time before I go to Vegas.

Last night, on my Mother’s Day date (perfect: excellent Thai food, an hour in Borders, and a Star Trek movie filled with eye candy for Moms) I bought two — count ’em! — two hardcover picture books. Full price. All you authors out there, I know you’re loving this.

I couldn’t stop myself. Once you sit in Borders laughing your head off, then crying… you buy those books. (Actually, they kind of ask you to buy them once you cry onto the pages. Weird, huh? Tear stains just add character, I say.)

What books, you may be wondering? For laughing, it was Walter the Farting Dog Goes on a Cruise.
No, I don’t have the other Walter books, but I knew my kids would love the cruise one just as much as I did.

Now, the perfect book for Mother’s Day, for a Mom with sons, is the one that made me cry. Twice. Berkeley Breathed’s Mars Needs Moms.

Of course, you’re gonna go all “Velveteen Rabbit” (or is that “I Love You Forever?”) trying to read it to your kids, but it’s worth it.

So, with that, go to a bookstore, and buy a book or two! And if you get the Mars one, buy a box of tissues as well.

Posted in Children's Fiction on 05/10/2009 07:08 pm


  1. shelli cornelison

    We are such kindred spirits. I spent an hour in a bookstore today and bought 2 hardcover picture books. I love Walter! Also bought one for mothers with sons. Missed the Berkeley Breathed one and I love him. I got Blueberry Girl by Neil Gaiman and Mama Says: A Love Story for Mothers and Sons by Rob D. Walker.

    Have a great time in Sin City. And gamble at least a little. You gotta pull the arm on a slot machine at least a few dozen times. We won’t tell your grandmother.


  2. ACK! I’ve never heard of either of these! I can’t wait to head back to the states! I think the first thing i’ll do is run to a bookstore! I love super funny and super teary books! Enjoy Vegas!


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