Howdy from the Center of the Sun
Hot… hot…hot… even for this native Texas girl. Record-breaking days, one after another. We’re melting…..
And you know what makes it hotter? Trying to do final revisions of a manuscript while your kids are hanging off your legs, whining about wanting to go to the swimming pool.Revisions, you ask? Surely not! Wasn’t that the (ahem) prize-winning manuscript from last post? Well, er, yes. But when I looked back through it, I saw a few things that just needed tweaking… then a couple more… then a little problem with continuity… Agh! I MUST send it off to the agents who wanted it, or no more snow cones for me! Bad writer! Bad! Bad!
So tomorrow, I am splurging. I will spend every dollar I made today as a Zumba instructor on a twelve-year old neighbor girl who will keep the kids OFF MY LEGS so I can finish revisions, an essay and/or a picture book draft that has been pestering me.
Oh, yes, I did teach my very first Zumba class today, at the local YMCA. It was fun, although I think I may have been a little too energetic for a couple of the members. Maybe not, we’ll have to see what their EKGs look like. (Kidding! I think.) If you haven’t tried Zumba, and you love to dance, you should get to a gym soon. It’s super fun!
I’m off to Ohio in a few days, where very little writing will happen, but lots of driving (yep, that would be a 23-hour road trip each way with my kids. Pray for us all.), lots of visiting newborn relatives, and (I hope) a lot of reading!
I’m looking forward to reading Savvy, The Gollywhopper Games, and finishing Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go. Yeah, yeah. Mock my list, but a certain agent mentioned that an aspiring witer should have read around 300 books in her field printed in the last 5 years… and I’m a hundred or so short right now.
Happy Summer!
07/08/2009 at 3:04 am
Twenty-three hours? Good golly. Good luck and have fun!