This Is Why I Distrust Facebook


So, last night, I invited some close friends/neighbors over for a lovely dinner party. I made a new recipe my brother taught me in Ohio last week — “white sangria.” This consists of 1 bottle of riesling, 2 cans mango and/or peach nectar, some cut up mangoes and strawberries, and an undetermined amount of both peach schnapps and triple sec. Suffice to say, it is a dangerous drink.

Dangerous enough that I felt brave enough to do my very first Facebook post…. before I went to bed.

So this morning, you know who had commented on my Facebook post, right? Yeah, it would have to be my pastor. Why, oh why, did I ever agree to “friend” him? I should have known something like this would happen. Off to church now, where I am relatively certain the pastor will be preaching on the dangers of strong drink.

He should just preach on the dangers of Facebook.

On the writing front, I sent off three new essays yesterday to some different markets. I have decided to spend this summer revising Perfect Mischief… and I’ve even found an ultra-cheap camp to send my kids to for a week so I can actually write!

Now, I’m off to convince my 6 year old that he cannot simultaneously brush his teeth and wear his Optimus Prime Voice-changing Helmet.

Posted in Essays, Family News, Miscellaneous on 07/26/2009 01:28 pm


  1. Shelli Cornelison

    Ah, so she’s joined FB she cofesses. But has she sent me a friend request? No, I didn’t think so either. Why do I follow this blog again? I’m friending you. You’ve been warned.


  2. Hey there. Amy Goodwin here. I love your blog. It’s WordPress right? I’d love to meet up at the next scbwi meeting! I look forward to meeting you.


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