Coming To A Library Near You…
Howdy, folks! Well, it was a pretty perfect day for a writer today! Kinda rainy, nothing to do but write — did I accomplish a lot, you’re wondering? Why, yes, I did. 3,600 words on the work in progress. Woot! (But are they GOOD words, as my Mom always asks? Natch, Mom.)
Also, a little Squeee moment — I sold a puppet play to an anthology coming out in early January. Now that I’ve sold them MY piece, I’ll advertise the link for all my writer buddies who might be able to produce something fabulous in a matter of weeks. Check it out here. And, yes, it is for libraries, so it’s not a big paycheck — but the glory, people, the GLORY of having toddlers and preschoolers all across America laughing at YOUR funny little characters! Seriously, if that’s not jewels for your Heavenly crown, I don’t know what is.
Now I need to go feed my own little Angels/Devils. Have a great weekend!