Why I Love Texas: Reasons 567 and 568

This week, a friend invited me and thirteen other middle-aged chicks to her house for a night of food, fun, and Bunco. (Which, for me, is like saying, Margaritas, Mojitos, and Root Canal. I loathe Bunco. But I like this woman very much and I’d never seen her house, so…)

When I walked in the front door, the first thing I saw, displayed on a table, was a stuffed fox. No, not the toy kind — the taxidermied kind.  “Oh, is your husband a hunter?” I asked, admiring the fox’s glassy eyes, lifelike pose, and the chopped-off rattlensnake rattles they had used to decorate the base the dead thing was standing on. She said yes, but that he hadn’t actaully gone on a fox hunt. Then she explains to me that he saw the fox dying on the side of the road,and I quote — “Probably from rabies or something” — and decided to put it out of its misery.
And, with her full support, cooperation, even urging, they then decided to take it home, have it taxidermied, and put in the entryway of their house.

People, I don’t have to go far to come up with my characters. They come to me. I love Texas.

I also love Texas because we have extremely awesome writing conferences. The one I’m thinking of right now — THE ONE I’M GOING TO TONIGHT!!! I’m so excited, I can’t wait– is the Awesome Austin Destination Publication SCBWI Writing Conference.

Check out the line-up. Marla Frazee? Kirby Larson? Jacqueline Kelly? Rock stars, for crying out loud! Have you ever seen so many award winners and all-around gobsmackingly talented writers all in one place? I’m not even counting the editors (Cheryl Klein, Lisa Graff, Stacy Cantor, etc.) and agents (Ho hum, got a fabu one already, thanks, but I DO want to see if Nathan Bransford is really a surfer-boy) who fill out the star-studded line-up. Who needs NY SCBWI? (Well, I mean, Jane Yolen would be nice. Next year.)

I’m also going to the pre-conference dinner and post-conference BBQ, where I’ll get to hang out with authors (I have actually met and who talk to me) like Jennifer Ziegler (WHO I ACTUALLY KNOW FROM CHILDHOOD!!!), Jessica Lee Anderson (one of the nicest people in the world, not kidding), Bethany Hegedus, P. J. Hoover, and Shelli Cornelison (who is just plain awesome, with or without a book deal).

Sorry for all the capitals, folks, but I’m excited. In my defense, I DO live in the Capitol City: the Capitol Of Awesomeness.

Gonna be there? Look for me. I’ll be the one embarrassing herself at the punch bowl.

Posted in Children's Fiction, Miscellaneous, People I Love on 01/29/2010 04:02 pm


  1. I was too shy to sign up for the dinners, but I am really looking forward to the conference tomorrow. See you there.


    • Nikki Loftin

      Ack! Be not afraid. You missed out! We got to goggle at Nathan Bransford (yes, he is a real person) and I got to sit at the feet of the wise Liz Garton Scanlon, and soak up crumbs of wisdom. Not actually kidding about that. Next time, come with me!


  2. Please, please, I’m dying laughing. But, I will say that it says a lot about the friendliness of Texans. She took pity on a rabid fox even. Hope your conference is fun. I just read yet another great book by a Texas author. What’s in the water down there?


    • Nikki Loftin

      Lori – Which author? BTW, we’re all drinking Kool-Aid, if you get my meaning. Was it Libba Bray’s book? (Going Bovine)


  3. Okay, I missed the story behind the stuffed fox photo last night. That makes it even funnier. I’ve lived in Texas my whole life (and even have dead animals on my walls, much to my chagrin – don’t marry a hunter unless you can live with skulls on stands and wall mounts, little girls) and I’ve never known anyone who picked something up FROM THE SIDE OF THE ROAD to have it stuffed! That’s good stuff. My head still hurts from lack of sleep this weekend and you’re making me laugh so hard. You’re pure evil, Nikki. Okay, maybe not pure but you have evil edges. LOL


    • Nikki Loftin

      Oh My. “Evil edges?” I LOVE IT! I’m so gonna use that to describe myself sometime.


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