A Very Cool Thing

Hiya, Peeps! Not much to report this week, besides writing like my life depends on it. (Does it? A good question.) So, instead of coming up with something witty and fabulous to say, I will help you blow a couple of hours at a writerly site. Check this out. Authors tell you how to pronounce their names. * Some give it to you straight up, some give you all sorts of cool little tidbits about the meaning of their name, why their parents picked it, and funny family anecdotes. Very cool and fun. Make sure you have written your daily quota before clicking on the link, of course!

I think my next post will be about writer’s groups. I have quite a few, and they all serve very different functions in my writing life. I’ve got support groups where we chat about our lives/kids/pets/health issues, online groups, in-person groups, professional groups, one-person emergency beta reading pods … and of course, my Literary Salon members, who are all the very coolest.

I’m making the soup and nibbles today for our Salon meeting tomorrow, where I will read from the poetry chapbooks that arrived in the mail yesterday — my prizes from the online poetry contest I won last week! (Okay, third place. But still: PRIZES! Presents for ME! In the MAIL!)

Write well, Friends, and start thinking about what YOU will say when they ask you, Newly Famous and Celebrated Author,  about your name. You can even leave a comment about it, if you like! 😉

*Thanks to Shelli Cornelison for the link.

Posted in Children's Fiction, Miscellaneous, People I Love on 02/07/2010 04:14 pm


  1. LOL! I love it… A site where they tell us how to pronounce their names–awesome!

    As for me, people are always asking if it’s my real name or not. Apparently, Jenni James is just too good to be real. LOL! Which btw, it so is–I got way lucky marrying into this name!


  2. OH! And congrats on your prizes! So FUN!


  3. I look forward to your next post. I only have two groups, both in-person critiques, but I frequently toy with the idea of adding an online group. When I first started looking for critique groups I had two separate, rather unpleasant experiences (a ranting lunatic and an email stalker). It took me nearly a year to give it another chance and I’m Oh-so-glad I did.


    • Nikki Loftin

      Vonna – I set a goal for myself. I have to finish my WIP draft before I post again. Urp. So I’ll get back to you… Friday, I hope.


  4. That’s a great site! Thanks for the link. What are prizes you received?


    • Nikki Loftin

      Hi, Suzie! The prize was very small — 2 poetry books by relatively unknown poets. Still, better than a kick in the head, as Grandma says.


  5. I hope your grandma’s sayings end up in one of your books or maybe your poems. Congrats. Saving your link for when I’ve met the writing quota. Worked on the reading quota today and the laziness one.


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