Post-Conference Buzz

For a writer, there’s nothing like that feeling you get when you’ve been to a really great conference, and you come home fizzy and full of ideas, encouragement from your peers, and potential writerly awesomeness.

I just got home from the Best Conference Ever. (Um, the conference was Austin SCBWI, driving distance from my house, so I guess I never technically left home.) I’ve spent the past two days going over my notes, thinking about how best to blog post about all the amazing speakers. And you know what? I’m too late. A whole bunch of other conference attendees have already done it better than I would have. (Call me lazy, I don’t care. I admit it. This was also my strategy when I was it was my turn to do the dishes/clean/whatever when I was a kid. If I just went to the bathroom — yeah, usually I was reading in there — and waited long enough, my sister would do the job. And so much better than I would have!) So, in my sloth, I have decided to direct you to my friend Shelli Cornelison’s series of blog posts (Overachiever! Stop making us all look bad), and Emily Kristin Anderson’s, and then this one and this one and this one. All very good reads.

This week? I’m waiting for a bunch of good news this week (how do you like THAT attitude;-) and enjoying reading my contributor’s copy of the Ultimate Christian Living anthology that just came out with my essay in it. This one won’t be available in stores until March, so wait for it.  Also, I’m hoping to wrap up the first draft of my MG WIP, and make some headway on another one I started last week in a fit of insanity and awesomeness… whilst including the strategies the inestimable Cheryl Klein spoke about at the conference.

Write well, Writer Friends! (And don’t blame me when I post links to your well-written sites.)

Posted in Children's Fiction, Essays, Miscellaneous on 02/02/2010 06:47 pm


  1. Thanks for the new links, Nikki. I visit Shelli’s every time she posts, but the other three are new to me. and thanks for linking to me, too!


  2. Nikki, thanks for the links to Vonna’s and Carmen’s posts. I hadn’t seen those two yet. I’m hardly an overachiever since blog posts are all I’ve written so far this week. Ha! But I’ll have this upper respiratory nonsense whipped soon and then I’ll catch up to your word count. Ready, set… give me a few days. 🙂


    • Nikki Loftin

      Shelli, you are my inspiration. You write fast! I must keep up to match your awesomeness…


  3. Whoa, you are getting some serious writing done! Don’t try to hide behind that “too lazy” thing because when I read your last paragraph I see how it really is: you’re busy whipping out MG book drafts! Congrats. on getting a piece in the anthology, and now I’ll go check out your links.


    • Nikki Loftin

      Thanks, Lori! I’m lazy when it comes to housework, though, no doubt. My grandma once asked me what was wrong, if I was unhappy. I said nothing was wrong, why? She said — “Your house is clean. Your house is never clean when you’re happy.”
      I have used the heck out of that motto.


  4. So glad you had a good time 🙂 Can’t wait to see this new strategy from Cheryl Klein in that new WIP!


    • Nikki Loftin

      Suzie – LOL. Her new strategy was probably “common sense” to most of the audience. But it was JUST what I needed to hear at the right time. You’ll see it soon…


  5. It was so great seeing and hanging with you, Nikki! I’ll see you at the next meeting!


    • Nikki Loftin

      Tricia – It was SUPER fun hanging out with you. I also think your blog post on joining SCBWI was amazing. Inspirational for me, at least.


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