Revisions For Lent

Okay, so I’m not really one of those people who gives stuff up for Lent. I think one year I tried to give up chocolate and lasted for about three days. Since I’m not certain it’s the thought that counts when it comes to Lenten Promises, and I never want to tick off the Big Guy any more than I already do with my continual existence and foul mouth, I stopped making those promises long ago.

But this Lent, I’m planning to do something that makes giving up chocolate look… well, if not easy, at least not insane. But I’m not giving up anything.

I’m taking it on. My goal is to take on two sets of novel revisions, AND finish the first draft of my newest gorgeous manuscript baby by Easter. (She’s so cute. Dark, moody, and only 9,000 words old!)

Can I do it? We’ll see. I have a funny feeling it could be a lot easier to give up chocolate than to do the amount of work I’m planning.

I’ll check back in next Monday and let you know how it’s going! Anybody out there tackling an impossible writing goal for Lent, or am I the only crazy one? ;-P

Posted in Miscellaneous on 02/22/2010 02:01 pm


  1. Yep! I’m writing two first drafts of manuscripts simultaneously over the next eight weeks — not for Lent, mind you, but while beginning in earnest to send out query letters for my finished novel. I’m also looking for pubs to place some of my spiritual essays. Yes, I may need some deity’s help before all is done. I gave up Lent for Lent several years ago and so far, I’ve done very well.


    • Nikki Loftin

      Ack! 2 MSs at the same time? I never do that! (well, except for last month – but I made myself stop!). I’m planning to work through my revisions one MS at a time, thank you very much.
      Good luck finding markets for your essays — I’ll send any along I find that fit the bill.


  2. You can do it. You’re a writing powerhouse! My goal: finish the new book. Get it done. And revise a short story–not the one w/the woman who made you wince– 🙂 and send it out!


    • Nikki Loftin

      LOL I didn’t wince, exactly… And you wouldn’t call me a powerhouse if you heard how much I whine about revising… but I’m loving it, too! Weird.
      Good luck, Lori!


  3. Yay! You can do it!!! ::shakes pom poms:: 🙂 I’m thinking of giving up orange soda for lent, but I’m not sure I can do it 🙂 I think I’ll take on more reading instead!


    • Nikki Loftin

      Orange soda? You’ll DIE! Your veins are coursing with that stuff! Thanks for the pom pom shakes, Suzie. *hug*


  4. Nothing to do with Lent, but now that all the conference activity is behind me, I am determined to finish the last four chapters of my WIP. ASAP. Maybe today.


  5. Revision seems to be the name o fthe game these days. I’m still wading knee deep through the major revisions for my manuscript, but I finished writing Ch 5 today, which means I only have one or two more chapters to write from scratch before I go through the rest of the manuscript and look for inconsistencies or beef up plot lines. I see the light at the end of the tunnel! Good luck with those revisions!I can’t wait to hear what you’re doing with them. Love that your agent cheers for you!

    🙂 Lindsey


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