Tiny Scraps of News… Yum.
I did it. I just finished my torturing of a young boy… I mean, my revision of Raymond. Now, off to a couple of Betas to make sure I don’t just “think” I’ve pulled it off.
But I think I may have. Squeee!
And now I face the prospect of a week at least before my Blessed Betas get back to me, before L’Agent Extraordinaire finishes reading the very rough and drafty MS I sent her last week… a week where I am free to write SOMETHING NEW!!! Something fresh and sparkly, NOT revised! Wheee! Okay… should I finish that “Highlights”-esque story I started? Or fall back into my love affair with The Gingerbread School, my dark fairy-tale inspired MG? Yummy. I think THAT one. It tastes like fudge.
(Don’t worry, Writer Friends. I haven’t forgotten. The Holy Toast is my summer fun writing project. I will get it finished this year, promise. And it will be HI-larious.)
Of course, it’s also spring break for the kiddies this week. That might throw a wrench in the works…
Ooo! Tiny scraps of news: Got an email from another magazine editor who loved an essay I sent her! So, it could be in the May issue. Final word in a few weeks. Also, two anthologies with my essays in them are out and for sale: The Ultimate Christian Living, and A Cup of Comfort for Mothers. Also, The Front Range Review with my poem, “Burn Barrels.” I do so love my name in print.
And you, Writer Friends. I love you, too.
03/13/2010 at 3:21 am
Ooo, hurry on The Gingerbread School! I can’t wait!
03/13/2010 at 10:46 pm
I’ll try! I’m 9,000 words in already… I think it’ll be around 50K. Maybe a bit shorter.
03/13/2010 at 8:11 pm
What great news! Keeping my fingers crossed for the May issue. All your projects sound so cool. I am inspired by your productivity.
03/13/2010 at 10:47 pm
No, Nan. YOU are the source of inspiration! I’m just following the “pasta on the wall” submission program. I do feel lucky when something sticks, though. Anything at all!
03/18/2010 at 5:41 am
You are a writing machine! Congrats. on your latest pubs. Holy Toast! I recall you describing that one. Sounds fun. Alright, back to reading. Woo-hoo!
03/21/2010 at 1:30 am
I love your pasta on the wall idea, Nikki. Here’s to lots of sticky pasta.