Mojo Status: Regained
Hiya, Peeps!
Okay, thanks for the Writer Friend love last week. The mojo has returned, along with the inspiration. I had the cutest idea for a short story today and started cranking it out. Woo hoo! And then I wrote the whole first draft of the presentation I’m giving at the Houston Writer’s Guild conference in May.
I also happened to notice that my blog roll was alarmingly out of date, and I stuck a few more of you on there. I’ll try to keep on top of the blog housekeeping stuff at least as much as I do in real life.
Those of you who know what a slob I am just choked on your coffee, admit it.
Today was a day full of work, and hummingbirds, swallowtails and playing hooky with one of my kids.The good part of springtime. I would keep an eye on this blog over the next few weeks, Writer Friends. Yes, I would. Who knows what could spring up here, what with all the springtime craziness?
04/04/2011 at 4:10 pm
Way to hook me at the end there, pardner. Glad your mojo is restored! But, really, I think you’re amazingly prolific. You are.