Conference Afterglow

What is it about a great writing conference that makes the following week seem positively bursting with writerly possibility? It’s like conferences produce tons of little idea babies that follow you home and keep you up at night. Kinda like those bedbugs from the hotels in Vegas. Souvenirs for everyone!

Okay, not exactly like that.

I’m home from the Houston Writer’s Guild conference, and having to tamp down all those Shiny New Ideas, since I have a fast approaching deadline. (It’s okay, not panicking since I think I’m done, just re-reading the last few chapters. Squee!) I had a blast in Houston, thanks to Roger Paulding, who invited me to speak and hang out. Thanks, Roger! I also met some new Writer Friends, including the amazing Elaine Scott who made her topic, writing middle grade nonfiction, sparkle like the stars!

In my talk, I said that the real treasure of writer’s conferences is the other writers you meet. I would like to introduce you to some of those people (clever ones who already have their blog posts up!).  You all know Vonna Carter, I’m sure — she writes an amazing blog for any writers, especially Houston-based kid lit ones, to read.  I also met and/or caught up with the incredibly lovely Sarah Warburton, the up-and-coming Lauren Hennessy, the amazingly prolific Pamela Hutchins… and so many others.

I know, I know. You’re going, WHO? Most post-conference blogs focus on the Names. Josh Getzler, Chuck Sambuchino, those guys. And, yes, they were amazing. But probably, they’re not going to come to my house and have ribs at the Salt Lick for my release party. (Although that would be so freaking amazing.)

These others? They’re all on the invite list. 😉 Have a great writing day, Friends! I’m off to read a bit more of my deathless prose (*coughchokesputter*), then hit send to my editor. Yay!

* If you were one of those who asked for my presentation to be linked here, I’m working on it. I’m going to add a new page with those Important Links and Awesome People as soon as I can. Be patient! Next week, probably.

Posted in Children's Fiction on 05/09/2011 03:52 pm


  1. *sigh* I want to go to another conference. Right now would be good. LOL


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