Guest Blog Post #2
Before you know it, I’ll be blogging all over myself.
If you’re not bored of me yet, please go check out my guest post on my friend Emily Kristin Anderson’s excellent blog. Her blog is what my blog would be if I had more time, energy, a more organized mind, and knew more about publishing. (Wow, I got tired just writing that sentence and thinking about all the stuff Emily does!) Ms. Anderson also has the distinction of being one of the most voracious readers I’ve ever met or HEARD OF. If you want to know if a YA book was good – even a book that won’t come out in print for another year? – ask Emily.
By the way, she’s also one of the creators of the amazing blog called Dear Teen Me. And I have another post coming up in a few weeks! A funny one, all about my awkward high school facial hair. Wait for it, wait for it…
In Nikki News: This week, I’ve been working on revisions to The Dark House, and panicking over the POV. Thank you to my good friends who talked me down. You know who you are. I’ve also been taking care of a sick kid, planning my Halloween costume (I’m going as Ke$ha. Dirt and glitter, a gold tooth… what else do I need?), and reading some amazing books. More on those later. Have a great weekend, Writer Friends!