Hurry Up! Now Wait.

Hi, Writer Friends!

As most of you know, I’ve been hip-deep in alligators and line edits. (I’m convinced that term does NOT mean what I thought at first. I had visions of small, piffly, “which word would work better” changes. Not so much, in my case. Eek.) Oh, and I did almost all of those line edits at South Padre Island on vacation with my family. Fun times.

(Actually it was fun. Seriously awesome in fact! Hinky Punky caught a sting ray! Dave took amazing pictures that he will turn into artistic gold! I learned how to line edit BEFORE drinking the pina coladas!)

So, no major blog post. Just this, my author picture.

I look mahvelous, darlings. Ah, the wonders of Photoshop.

Thanks, Mom, for taking the picture. Thanks, Dave, for taking out the wrinkles and gray hairs.

Thanks, Mom, for taking the picture. Thanks, Dave, for taking out the wrinkles and gray hairs.

Happy Writing , Friends!

Posted in Children's Fiction, Family News, Miscellaneous on 06/07/2011 08:46 pm


  1. Congrats on managing the mini vacay and line edits! You look beautimous, as always.


  2. *Applause, applause!*

    You look lovely, darlin’!


  3. Lovely! And the colors are fab, too!


  4. Great picture!


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