A Little Librarian Love

I broke my self-imposed non-political blog rule a few weeks back to protest what’s happening to librarians all over the country — and in my kid’s school district. Today I read this excellent letter, written by Lin Oliver, the Executive Director of SCBWI. Y’all go read this.

An excerpt: “(S)chool librarians notice what kids are reading, and hand them the next book they might enjoy, point them to the right internet site, encourage them to take the next step on the path to knowledge, education, and the immense joy that comes from reading.”

This is what we’re giving up when we remove librarians from libraries: the path to joy — the joy that comes from the books that touch a child’s heart, stretch a child’s imagination — and the knowledge of how to get there.

Thank you, Ms. Oliver.


Posted in Miscellaneous on 07/22/2011 02:08 am

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