Conference News
No, actually, I’m too tired. But I promise I’ll post about the AROHO conference in a day or two. I’ll just say one thing: There were unicorns there. Dozens of them.
No, I’m not kidding, I’ll explain later. (I know I’m a tease. But how else am I going to get you to come back to this site in two days?)
I’m inspired and exhausted. I haven’t partied that much (I guess I should call it “networking” so it’s a tax deduction) or learned that much in a long, long time.
I’ll post pictures and everything else soon.But if you were jealous, there’s a chance for a free conference in your very own home — one with a talk by my super-fabulous agent Suzie Townsend, and dozens of other industry professionals who specialize in kid lit. Go now to the second annual Writeon Con site and register.
Oh, and the Writeon conference starts tomorrow. Hope you have some frozen dinners for the kids — they’re going to have to take care of themselves, as this event is Not To Be Missed.