Lovely Friday: Reviews

Oh, friends, I am a VERY busy little bee down here in Texas. I have a super tight deadline for a new project, and I may be away from the blog more than usual for the next two months. (For an idea of how tight the deadline is, my word quota to hit for TODAY alone was 4,000. Not quite there yet…) Still, I have my Wonder Woman Underoos, an enormous stash of chocolate, and a family grown accustomed to cereal for dinner. I will prevail!

Still, I had to share the two lovely pieces of news I had this week, and one from last week as well.

Last week’s news: I had a poem accepted by the Texas Poetry Calendar, an anthology of poets from Texas, or who write about Texas. The calendar comes out in 2013 – but you can always pre-order a copy! 🙂 Or pick one up at Bookpeople when the time comes.

This week: My day started with a Facebook message from a writer/teacher I met in Houston a year ago. She teaches 6th grade Pre-AP English, and had assigned a book report. One of her students asked if she could report on a book that isn’t out yet – her mom had snagged an ARC of it at a conference, and the girl had read it and loved it.

Of course, the book was mine, and my teacher friend and I both squealed with delight. I will TOTALLY be sending the autographed bookmarks to that class! I can’t even tell you what a rush it was to think some kid who I am NOT genetically related to read my book, and loved it enough to do a report on it. So. Freaking. Cool.

Then, at the end of the day, my friend and fellow writer/blogger Samantha Clark posted her incredibly thoughtful review of Sinister Sweetness. I’m overwhelmed. Samantha is so smart, and reads so closely – with an eye to the construction of the novel, as well as the overall result. Thank you, Sam.

Now, it’s back to the page for me. And then off to New York next week, where I will do writerly things with my agent and editor, birthday celebration things with my mom and sisters, and shopping things… well, not so much of that. But still — New York!!!

PS – If you want something fun and fresh to read by a local author who is diving bravely into the non-fiction self-publishing waters, check out my funny, lovely friend Pamela Hutchins. I think How To Screw Up Your Kids sounds like fun… wait. Did that come out right? Good luck, Pamela!



Posted in Children's Fiction, People I Love on 04/27/2012 04:40 pm


  1. Good! I hope you are super successful with your project!


  2. Squee! A book report on Sinster Sweetness!!!!

    Yes, you got it right, and you’re awesome.

    Have fun in New YAWK!


  3. Good luck with your deadline, Nikki. So glad to know that I’m not the only one who eats cereal for dinner at writing time.
    And of course that girl loved your book! It’s wonderful!


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