Odds and Ends
I’m sweeping up bloggy odds and ends this week as I await an editorial email. (Eep!) A few things I’d like to share with you, dear readers:
1. If you tried to contact me regarding the use of one of my flash fiction pieces in your English class, the answer was YES! But your return email address keeps bouncing the YES back to me. So, Dear English Teacher, I hope you taught it with a clear conscience, and know that I was very flattered to be asked. <3
2. Don’t forget to leave a comment on Cynthia Leitich Smith’s blog, Cynsations, to win an ARC of my novel, THE SINISTER SWEETNESS OF SPLENDID ACADEMY… and chocolate, too! You have until April 9. Not long.
3. It’s hard to fathom. My book has its very own Blog Tour, organized by the amazing Jen Bigheart. I’m flabbergasted at her generosity and overall awesomeness — and I’ve been terribly pleased with the reviews so far! Most of them haven’t been posted yet, but you can read THIS ONE at Still Waiting For Books To Come True. (Thanks, Lexie!) I can’t wait to see what the rest of the bloggers think. I so appreciate the time they are taking to read and write such thoughtful reviews. (If you would like to join the tour, contact me, and I’ll set you up if there’s still space.)
4. The Houston Writer’s Guild conference is just around the corner! I am one of the keynote speakers, and I’m presenting a talk on queries as well, so please come, keep me company, and learn from some truly outstanding agents, writers, and editors. Um, and me. 🙂
5. I have been reading up a storm. I fell in love with two middle grade books this week. The first was Claire LeGrand’s THE CAVENDISH HOME FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. I cannot express how delightfully wicked and perfectly terrifying I found this book. I have embarrassed myself on Twitter and elsewhere gushing about it, so I’ll stop now. But I WILL start up again closer to its expected arrival in August!
The other book I just finished tonight. I picked up an ARC of The Bad Apple at ALA Midwinters. I wish I hadn’t waited to read it! It was AMAZING. Full of humor and mystery, mischief and heart. Speaking of hearts, I found my own heart actually racing at one point, I was so caught up in the story. Seriously, folks: palpitations.
6. A shiny new idea knocked on the door today. It was completely unexpected, and strange. And frightening — I’m not sure about this one. It’s quite visceral and dark… and funny, but sad? I have a few pages. I don’t know what’s in the plot yet, but this poor character, in his dire situation…? I can’t wait to see if he survives it.
I think he might. 😉
Happy April, Friends! Write well.