First Five Pages Workshop Time!
I’m not sure if any of you who write middle grade or young adult fiction will be interested in this (I hope you ALL will be!)… but I am the featured author this coming month at the excellent Adventures in YA and Children’s Publishing blog contest!
Yes, you can win the dubious honor of having ME critique your first five pages. I promise to say something more than “um, yeah. I like it.”
For contest details, click through this link. You have to sign up on the second Saturday of the month, and only the first five manuscripts excerpts will be accepted. (Five lucky winners!) And then you have to be willing to revise, submit your revisions, and have me hack at them, I mean, offer even more constructive criticism on the revisions. 🙂
Seriously, this should be fun and useful – but read the fine print to make sure you enter everything correctly to be considered!
Now I have to go think about kittens, or eat cake, since this all makes me a teensy bit nervous.
Or maybe I’ll just shoot on over to the Cabinet of Curiosities blog, and read a lovely story by Claire Legrand about some very special cake. (I love this new blog! Such scary stories. Like a box of chocolate-covered fingers. Yum!)
01/24/2013 at 9:19 pm
Yay! I’ll be entering my WIP. It needs hacking and/or reassurance. OK, hacking. Is there a way to set an e-mail to go out at a certain time? Must be among first five. . .! 🙂
01/24/2013 at 9:38 pm
Awesome! I’m not sure about setting email timers… that sounds technical. *brrr* Don’t make me curl into the fetal position and suck my thumb. Good luck!
02/02/2013 at 4:16 pm
Yes! I made the cut. I’d like to thank all the folks at MS Outlook for their delay send feature…
Are you submitting 5 pages for critique too? You should! You should! No pressure.