Exciting Events: Bookworks Launch Party in Albuquerque with Kimberley Griffiths Little!
Oh my goodness.
This one is for anyone who lives near Albuquerque, New Mexico, or who knows anyone living near there. Or who feels like driving/flying/hang gliding there for an awesome event. 🙂
On Saturday, August 2, at 10:30 am, I will have the GREAT pleasure of talking about Nightingale’s Nest alongside (the utterly charming and tremendously talented) Kimberley Griffiths Little – who will be launching HER next middle grade book, The Time of the Fireflies. This will be a launch party for the ages. Goodie bags, refreshments, book signing, and PRIZES! (And possibly a creepy, haunted doll or two… Yes, sweet, lovely Kimberley wrote a wonderful book that happens to include one of my greatest fears.)

I cannot express how much I love this woman’s books! Magic, creepy dolls, friends, and family… they’re exquisite.
I think this calls for a double dose of cuteness. How about this:
So, tell your Albuquerque friends! I promise Kimberley and I will be puffin-and-baby-bunny awesome.
07/18/2014 at 2:36 pm
Puffin and baby-bunny awesome – I love it!