Hey, You! Wanna Skype? (Penguin Authors Who Skype)
A quick post today about the coolest new development in my plan for World Middle Grade Author Domination! As of today, I am an official “Penguin Author Who Skypes” and if you have a class or book club that has read one of my books and you would like a free 30 minute Skype visit this year, you can get one by signing up here.
Of course, there are only a limited number of spots open (as I DO have to have some time to write the next book and all), so if you are super keen, you should probably put down your coffee right now and go sign up.
I’ve been doing these Skype visits off the radar for libraries and classes across the U.S. already, and I’ll admit, part of my reason for doing them is selfish. The chance to interact with readers, answer questions and discuss my books as well as other books I think they’d love really feeds my ex-teacher soul! And it gives me energy to keep on writing, too.
Now, back to the page! I’m presenting in San Antonio at the Region 20 Library Conference on Friday, and I have a speech to polish.