Oklahoma? More Than OK!

I’m a native Texan, but my mom and grandma were both born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So I think it’s pretty cool that my first out-of-state conference* next week will be to the Oklahoma Technology Association’s Encyclo-Media conference. I guess I’m getting back to my roots?

And it’s more than cool that I get to share panels with the crazy-talented Joan Bauer and Kristin Levine. Once again, I will be in “do not swallow my tongue when talking to these fancy people” mode.

The best part of the trip may be the school visits they have lined up for me, though. I don’t know what it is, I just feel 100% at home when I’m talking to kids – especially about books, fairy tales, and how to follow your dreams. And since one of my books is on the 2015 Sequoyah List, there’s the chance that a bunch of these kids will have read it (Sinister Sweetness, that is), and will have interesting questions to ask about it! And then possibly I will get to talk about cannibalism. (EDITED — NOTE: I AM NOT ACTUALLY GOING TO TALK ABOUT CANNIBALISM. THAT WAS A JOKE.**)

Seriously, does a job get any more fun?

So, I’m off to Oklahoma on Monday for a week of fun! And I hope when I get back, I will be able to share some of the incredible secret news that’s been piling up over here.

So much exciting and secret news. Whee!

Oh, and before I forget… here’s a quick photo from the Region 20 Library conference in San Antonio a couple of weeks ago. I had the great privilege to meet and hang out with Ruta Sepetys, YA author and storyteller extraordinaire, since we were both keynote speakers. She’s wonderful! If you ever get the chance to hear her speak, do it! And read her books, of course. Incredible.


Ruta Sepetys, one of the loveliest authors I've met! I could spend days listening to her tell amazing true stories...

Ruta Sepetys, one of the loveliest authors I’ve met! I could spend days listening to her tell amazing true stories…


*Okay, I’ve been out-of-state on conferences before, but never as a speaker!

** Edited to address concerns raised by readers who actually thought I was going to do this. FOR REAL.

Posted in Children's Fiction, People I Love, School Visits on 10/03/2014 07:22 am


  1. Mary Alexander

    Nikki, you look gorgeous and happy! Best of luck in your new
    life taking a rest from Zumba. I’ll be back to a Y routine
    Sat. 10/4/14 and love and hugs to you!


  2. You are such a tease, girl! I’m dying to know all your super secret fabulous news! Email me!

    I love Oklahoma! We lived in Ponca City for two years when we were first married (Aaron was born there) and we made life-long friends there.


  3. P.S. So jealous you got to meet Ruta Sepetys – I was in awe of her book when I read it. Simply brilliant and heart-wrenching.


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