Rejected Fan Mail, or What To Do if I Don’t Answer Your Email

Hello!! I have been having the  MOST FUN January ever. Also the busiest one!

You see, I went to Norman, Oklahoma, and spent two weeks visiting with the coolest readers and aspiring young writers, and meeting and chatting with the loveliest librarians. When I got home, I knew I had to buckle down to finish my next book… and then the most glorious deluge of emails began. From kids!!

If you think this is going to be one of those “Why I can’t answer your email” posts? Wrong. I am not yet Ms. Fancypants, with no hours free, and if you email me, I WILL email you back! It just might take me a while. Like a week.

This is one of those, “What if if I never get that email response” posts. You see, one of the cool things about being a writer for young people is that I get to interact with kids. But one of the bad things* about kid email accounts (especially the school ones) is that those accounts are not allowed to receive email replies from outside sources! Like me.

Possibly your principals have read my debut novel, and decided I am not a Good Influence on Children. Bwa ha ha! They may be right. 🙂

So, a better way to contact me? Well, Twitter for one! Or, if your question is the type you think other readers would love to see… check out my Ask the Author Questions page on Goodreads!

Or, you know, use your Mom’s email account, with her permission of course, if your note is personal. Who knows? She might be so thrilled to see you emailing an author, she’ll take you to the bookstore and buy you a whole ton of books…

So, long story short? I WILL get back to you, but you may have to try a few different ways to reach me!

Now, I’m off to the AWESOME kids at Doss Elementary in Austin this week, then getting ready to do a super fun event at Lanier High School on Saturday, and then I’m off to Stillwater, Oklahoma on Monday for a week of MORE FUN!

Time to take my vitamins. **

*Okay, BTW, that isn’t really a “bad thing” – I’m SO glad the school accounts protect kids from receiving creepy emails from strangers. So I totally understand this. And am cool with it. But I still want you to know, I am not ignoring you!

** code word for chocolate


Posted in Children's Fiction, Miscellaneous, School Visits on 01/26/2015 04:15 pm

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