Stillwater Magic: School Visit Paradise
Wow! I gotta tell you, Oklahoma is amazing. I didn’t know what to expect after that phenomenal last trip to Norman (two weeks of awesome), but it shouldn’t have surprised me at all that the schools in Stillwater would be every bit as wonderful. It’s just weird, to have that many superhero librarians and uber-creative kids all in one place, you know? Something in the water, y’all.
I won’t bore you with any more yammering about how amazing it was… I’ll just show you pics so YOU can see. It. Was. Awesome.

It’s always a good sign when the first thing you see inside the school is a bulletin board with love notes from the kids! (Not shown: the sign OUTSIDE as well!) Thanks, Susie!

Speaking of favorite foods, did you know if you joke to an Oklahoma librarian that you need 2 lbs of peanut M&Ms to be able to go on… they appear???

The amazing Nikole Kelty made me AND all her students feel welcome by feeding us and decorating the library for a party!

Cara Smith did it all at her library! Decorations, student art, a bubbling kettle full of what might have been students…

And all the rest! Dinner that night was thanks to Kenneth Brown, who provided all the books – including the ones they’re shipping down to Texas next week, since we ran out!
So, that’s the fun I had last week! I’m teaching a funny and useful critique group/partners workshop for the Writer’s League of Texas this Saturday (Yes, you can still sign up!), and then… book launch excitingness begins for Wish Girl!
Oh, if you want to laugh at me? Check out this link. Yes, apparently I am a unicorn who eats children. LOL
02/09/2015 at 9:52 pm
Eep! I never thought about you finding our class blog! I hope you know that being a unicorn who eats children is absolutely a compliment. 🙂
If you have some extra time this week, my kids would absolutely die if you commented on that blog post!
02/10/2015 at 12:59 am
Oh, it’s one of my favorite bits of feedback ever!!I will trot on over right now and leave a comment. Thanks so much for making my day!!