More Oklahoma, Best of Books Signing, and How to Win a Wish Girl!

Howdy, y’all! I’m off to Oklahoma (Moore this time!) in a few days, to visit some wonderful schools and… I’m doing a signing/reading/fire-juggling thing at Best of Books in Edmond, OK on Wednesday, March 11. So, if you live in Oklahoma, come out to 1313 East Danforth Road from 5 pm – 6:30 pm, and I will tell ALL the secrets behind my latest novel! Bonus: I may bring a snake, and I will bring an art activity… you just never know with me. I’m unpredictable. (Except when it comes to chocolate.)

And if you’re super curious about Wish Girl, and want to win a copy? Check out this great post for Middle Grade Madness month on Aeicha’s awesome blog, Word Spelunking.

Or hurry over to The Reading Nook Reviews and leave a comment!

Now, back to work. I’m revising a scary book, and doing research for a double dog dare project. Y’all will never, ever, no never believe this one.

Posted in Children's Fiction, School Visits on 03/06/2015 03:24 am

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