Texas Book Festival 2016: A Shining Success!
The Big Event in Texas every fall for book lovers is the Texas Book Festival. This year, I had the great pleasure of presenting at the Texas State Library and Archive’s first ever Author Summit, a kick-off event for the Festival, held in the Library itself. They had Cooper’s BBQ, live music, and two authors, Caroline Gnagy and me (oh so fancy I felt!) presenting a panel on Striking Texas Gold for a crowd of about 100 authors and Book Festival stars.
It was glorious. I was nervous as all get out, but it all turned out fine! There was even a cute kid asking questions about my book, so I got into my comfort zone. 🙂

The truly lovely Rebekah Manley, surrounded by friends.

Author Anne Bustard, signing the big poster!Greg Leitich Smith has to wait his turn. 🙂

Me, Stephen Siwinski from the Texas Center for the Book, and Sam Houston behind us.

Selfie with one of my favorite authors ever: Shelli Cornelison.
Then, the Book Festival itself began! I was honored to moderate a panel with Paul Griffin, Raina Telgemeier, and John David Anderson.

Paul Griffin talks dogs who DON’T die.
And of course, we took selfies.

Raina! Love this woman.

Paul, me, and Dave. Fun times!
In the middle of this all, I went to San Antonio and presented at the Friends of Northside Library’s first ever author night as well! (Yes, I took my vitamins that week.) My carpool buddies were Cory Putman Oakes and Mari Mancusi.

Then, it was back to the TBF to see panels with my good friends Cynthia Levinson…
…and Chris Barton and Donna Janell Bowman…
… then a quick run-through of the tents to snap a photo of the ultra amazing Texas Center for the Book volunteers who were doing a giveaway of Wish Girl…

Texas Center for the Book folks are the BEST!
And finishing my TBF with the awards reception at the Writer’s League of Texas booth, honoring Wish Girl as a finalist in the MG/YA category. Hooray!
One last selfie with WLT executive director, Becka Oliver, and it was back home for me.
You’d think that would be enough. But only a couple of days later, I was back at Joslin Elementary, having fun and talking writing with the kids. Thanks to Librarian Stephanie for the invitation!
Now, I’m off to San Marcos for another school visit tomorrow, and then? Thanksgiving! Nothing but relaxing, writing, and hanging out with my kids, whatever their names are. I’ve forgotten. They probably grew up, graduated, and got married since the last time I was home. 🙂
I hope YOU have a great holiday! Make sure to hug your kids, call your Senators, and be present for those in your life who love you and need you.