A Poem for My Grandma

Hello, friends. I’ve neglected my blog terribly because I’ve been taking care of something–someone–else. I’ve neglected my writing as well… but I’ve gotten a lot better on the guitar, and my singing voice is back in form. (Did you know I was a singer? I majored in voice at UT Austin before the page called me away.)

I sang my grandma out on Wednesday night. The week before, I brought her balloons and blueberry muffins and flowers for her 98th birthday. We laughed and talked about the kids for hours, even though she wasn’t feeling well.

One week later, she was gone.

Grandma was my biggest fan, my confidant, and more like a twin to me than a grandmother. She loved me completely, and I loved her back the same way. I’m so glad I took the time this year to care for her.

What a gift.


When I knew she was passing soon, I realized I would be asked to write her obituary, Instead, I wrote this poem.

My grandma was
watermelon and
one more chocolate
a favorite hymn
a salty mouth
a sweet little voice
and a fierce love that
went around and around
her kitchen with
broken toes and a strong back
for thirteen years.
She was
a hug a yardstick
a whole jar of divinity
underwear in the back bedroom
Spaghettios in the pantry
cookies and grits
vegetable soup and
bran muffins
interesting cakes
laundry on the line
feeding the old people
a radio left on
and more. She was
a drive in the
violets and birdsong
red lipstick
black hair
Solo Serve shoes
a packed lunch at the movies
in a Jeep Collins bag
mischief in a laugh
and horseshit little Eva.
Grandma was
everyone’s favorite
25 more kisses
than anyone else.
January 24, 1920

Posted in Family News, People I Love on 02/03/2018 01:50 am



    I enjoyed meeting you recently at Bookfest by the Bay. I had the opportunity to hear more than one of the authors panels that you participated in. I look forward to discovering your books.
    Being a grandmother myself I found your poem very dear. If grief is the price we pay for love then memories are the salve that soothes the wounds created by grief. Your poem is filled with so many wonderful memories of a love well spent. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your grandmother. I appreciate that the poem written for her brought many wonderful memories of the ladies who made my childhood special.


    • Nikki Loftin

      Thank you so much, Sandra. I loved the Bookfest, and meeting so many readers of all ages. I hope you have a wonderful, book-filled spring!


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