Writers’ League of Texas Conference and then… Off to New Mexico
I don’t know what it is about the area outside Santa Fe, but there’s something there – in the air, the land, the light – that inspires me. It’s inspired lots of other artists, too. In fact, Georgia O’Keeffe herself painted in the place where I wrote large portions of Wish Girl, Nightingale’s Nest, and the manuscript my lovely agent Ginger is sending around right now. (It’s hard to type with fingers crossed, you know.)
Before I leave, though, I’ll be serving on a panel at one of my all-time favorite writing conferences – the Writers’ League of Texas Agents and Editors Conference. I get to talk about how to prepare for publication day, and I think it will be a lot of fun and very helpful to authors approaching their debut pub date, as well as the newly agented or pre-published.
I hear the 2018 conference is sold out, but if you missed it don’t hesitate next year! It’s always a wonderful experience.
Keep writing, friends, and reading, and go somewhere that inspires you!
07/05/2018 at 9:19 pm
Looking forward to conference 2019!
Can’t wait to hear about your experience.