Wish Girl in the NYT Review of Books!

Wow. Well, I was trying to get some pics put together to show of my amazing week in Oklahoma… but then this happened, so that other post will have to wait.

Wish Girl is in the New York Times Review of Books today alongside Dan Geimenhart’s lovely The Honest Truth. I feel all warm and fuzzy now. Thanks to Cynthia Kadohata for the amazing review.

I’ll just go cry some happy tears now.

More Oklahoma, Best of Books Signing, and How to Win a Wish Girl!

Howdy, y’all! I’m off to Oklahoma (Moore this time!) in a few days, to visit some wonderful schools and… I’m doing a signing/reading/fire-juggling thing at Best of Books in Edmond, OK on Wednesday, March 11. So, if you live in Oklahoma, come out to 1313 East Danforth Road from 5 pm – 6:30 pm, and I will tell ALL the secrets behind my latest novel! Bonus: I may bring a snake, and I will bring an art activity… you just never know with me. I’m unpredictable. (Except when it comes to chocolate.)

And if you’re super curious about Wish Girl, and want to win a copy? Check out this great post for Middle Grade Madness month on Aeicha’s awesome blog, Word Spelunking.

Or hurry over to The Reading Nook Reviews and leave a comment!

Now, back to work. I’m revising a scary book, and doing research for a double dog dare project. Y’all will never, ever, no never believe this one.

A Wish Come True: Wish Girl Reviews, Launch Party Pics, and More!

WOW! This weekend was a whirlwind of friends, family, readers, librarians, and teachers braving the icy roads and rain to welcome Wish Girl, and my friend Jo Whittemore’s new book Colonial Madness, into the world!

It was wonderful, and you should totally click here to see all the pics my sweet photographer husband put on smugmug. But before you do that, if you entered the contest to win a free school visit, and your name is Yvonne Lewis, you won! (And if you didn’t win, no worries. Everyone who showed up and entered will get something, and three other teachers/librarians will win their choice of a free Skype visit or a free signed book! Watch your email inboxes. 🙂

And if you don’t have a copy of Wish Girl yet, but are curious about it, or would like to win one? Check out the amazing Reading Nook Reviews review and giveaway this week! You could win one, and then your life would be complete. (That review is making me smile so hard right now. Thanks, Reading Nook!)

Thanks again to everyone who came out, and to the lovely readers who have been sending me personal notes about Wish Girl. I am so happy my story is finding a home on so many bookshelves, and in your hearts.


Writer Friends at the launch party! Ariane Felix, Batheny Hegedus, Lindsey Schiebe, and Samantha Clark.

Writer Friends at the launch party! Ariane Felix, Bethany Hegedus, Lindsey Schiebe, and Samantha Clark.

Wish Girl Enters the World!

Oh, my. Today is the book birthday of my third book. This one is different in so many ways from my others, and the feelings I have today are much more nuanced than in years past.

When my debut novel came out, I was panicked, terrified, elated. With Nightingale’s Nest, I was nervous. Yes, dreadfully, dreadfully nervous. It was my first “sad book” and the first one where I let my deep heart show.

But Wish Girl? Oh, this time I feel like I’m watching my kid walk across the stage at graduation. Proud, happy, excited, praying like heck he doesn’t crash and burn in the first semester of college…

Thank you to all of my dear friends who helped bring Wish Girl into the world. To Shelli Cornelison, the Soup Salon, Suzie Townsend, Gillian Levinson, and all the folks at New Leaf Literary and Razorbill. Seeing this book on the shelves will be a wish come true.

Now, before I jump up and race out to my local bookstore to SEE Wish Girl in the wild, I’ll just give teachers and/or book club leader and/or very intrepid readers a small gift. A discussion guide! I may tweak it a but, but here it is if you’re interested. Have fun with it!

Wish Girl Discussion Guide FINAL

Wish Girl - Nikki Loftin

Writing about Wish Girl

I’m very pleased to send you away from my blog today to read what I wrote at the Nerdy Book Club blog instead. It’s got all sorts of stuff about my wild childhood, the books that changed me, and what I was trying to do with my next book, Wish Girl. I am so grateful to Colby Sharp and the Nerdies for giving me this space to talk about all that!

Speaking of Wish Girl, there was a very nice article in the Austin American-Statesman newspaper last week about my book, and the upcoming launch party at Bookpeople! (My favorite quote: “Wish Girl will transform the reader.” I hope some of you can make it on Saturday. February 28, 3 p.m., and you KNOW there will be food, drink, fun, and prizes of all sorts from me and my co-launch author, Jo Whittemore! (I’m even giving away a free school visit to some lucky teacher or librarian.)

See you there? I hope so!


Middle Grade Authors Love Teachers!


Do Middle Grade authors really love teachers?

Of COURSE they do! Heck, I permanently thanked at least ten of them in my last book, Nightingale’s Nest, by hiding their lovely names in it like eggs in a nest.  But it’s not enough. So, I’m delighted to be a part of the Big, Huge Book Giveaway that the uber-lovely Lynda Mullaly Hunt came up with for Valentine’s Day!

Teachers, I am participating in a signed book giveaway with a whole bunch of my middle-grade author friends who have recent, brand-new, or about-to-be-published books. Check out these sixteen–count ‘em, sixteen–books:

Pretty cool line-up, eh? If you’re a teacher, librarian, or reading specialist (basically any type of educator), and you want to be entered to win signed copies of all these books, all you have to do is one of two things:

1. Click here to leave a comment on Lynda Mullaly Hunt’s blog,
2. Tweet about the giveaway and use the hashtag #MGAuthorsLoveTeachers

Your name will be entered into the virtual hat, and we’ll draw the winner at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 18th. If you win, you’ll receive signed copies of all these books–not all at once, because some of them don’t publish until March or April, but won’t it be fun to get multiple packages in your mailbox?
Good luck, and I LOVE YOU!

(Oh, and if you love YA, too? Check out the #YAAuthorsLoveTeachers giveaway here or here! Same rules, same time frame, same oodles of love.)


Stillwater Magic: School Visit Paradise

Wow! I gotta tell you, Oklahoma is amazing. I didn’t know what to expect after that phenomenal last trip to Norman (two weeks of awesome), but it shouldn’t have surprised me at all that the schools in Stillwater would be every bit as wonderful. It’s just weird, to have that many superhero librarians and uber-creative kids all in one place, you know? Something in the water, y’all.

I won’t bore you with any more yammering about how amazing it was… I’ll just show you pics so YOU can see. It. Was. Awesome.


It's alwasy a good sign when the first thing you see inside the school is a bulletin board with love notes from the kids! (Not shown: the sign OUTSIDE as well!) Thanks, Susie!

It’s always a good sign when the first thing you see inside the school is a bulletin board with love notes from the kids! (Not shown: the sign OUTSIDE as well!) Thanks, Susie!

Another goodsign? When the hallways are covered with MORE welcome signs! ALL the hallways. Whoa.

Another good sign? When the hallways are covered with MORE welcome signs! ALL the hallways. Whoa.

And when you get to the library? CANDY AND FANCINESS!

And when you get to the library? CANDY AND FANCINESS!



Um, I think they gave me the candy because they THOUGHT I ate something else...

Um, I think they gave me the candy because they THOUGHT I ate something else…

... but as you can see, there wasn't any of my favorite food left...

… but as you can see, there wasn’t any of my favorite food left…

Speaking of favorite foods, did oyu know if you joke to an Oklahoma librarin that you need 2 lbs of peanut M&Ms to be able to go on... they appear???

Speaking of favorite foods, did you know if you joke to an Oklahoma librarian that you need 2 lbs of peanut M&Ms to be able to go on… they appear???

That is, IF the librarian is Rock Star Tammy Matlock.

That is, IF the librarian is Rock Star Tammy Matlock.

Her students made MORE love notes!

Her students made MORE love notes!

The amazing Nikole Kelty made me AND all her students feel welcome by feeding us and decorating the library for a party!

The amazing Nikole Kelty made me AND all her students feel welcome by feeding us and decorating the library for a party!

Cara Smith did it all at her library! Decorations, student art, a bubbling kettle full of what might have been students...

Cara Smith did it all at her library! Decorations, student art, a bubbling kettle full of what might have been students…

... But Shenista Furman's student art may take the cake. It covered the whole gym!!

… But Shenista Furman’s student art may take the cake. It covered the whole gym!!

Here's a close-up of Lorelei!

Here’s a close-up of Lorelei!

We didn't stop the party there! After hours dinners with all the super stars...

We didn’t stop the party there! After hours dinners with all the super stars…

And presents for me! I got so spoiled.

And presents for me! I got so spoiled.

Silliness at Eskimo Joe's with Susie Masters...

Silliness at Eskimo Joe’s with Susie Masters…

And all the rest! Dinner that night was thanks to Kenneth Brown, who provided all the books - including the ones they're shipping down to Texas next week, since we ran out!

And all the rest! Dinner that night was thanks to Kenneth Brown, who provided all the books – including the ones they’re shipping down to Texas next week, since we ran out!


So, that’s the fun I had last week! I’m teaching a funny and useful critique group/partners workshop for the Writer’s League of Texas this Saturday (Yes, you can still sign up!), and then… book launch excitingness begins for Wish Girl!

Oh, if you want to laugh at me? Check out this link. Yes, apparently I am a unicorn who eats children. LOL




Nightingale’s Nest is in Paperback + School Visit Fun

Wow! I have to admit, I’ve been so busy with school visits, Skype visits, guest blog posts, family stuff, and (oh, yes!) finishing my latest novel (super creepy one) that I almost forgot to say happy book birthday to me!

That’s right, today is the very first day you can get Nightingale’s Nest as a paperback! It’s the same book, of course (with that one pesky typo fixed), but it has the first chapters of Wish Girl in the back, and they rearranged the blurbs on the front. This time, it’s more friends saying super nice things about me, which always makes me blush and stammer a bit. These two are IRL friends, and also authors I admire a ridiculous amount, Katherine Catmull and Lynda Mullaly Hunt.


I celebrated the Big Day by doing a school visit at Doss Elementary, which was special for many reasons! First off, the super librarian staff there, Bonnie and Virginia and their volunteers, made me feel incredibly welcomed. They made a sign! And brought me fancy salads, and mints, and water… and tons of kids who were excited to hear about my books, and learn how to write one themselves.


A sign! A sign! It was meant to be.

A sign! A sign! It was meant to be.

All the best librarians have banana phones.

All the best librarians have banana phones.

I know it looks like I'm about to eat the kids in this picture. I promise... I'm only thinking about eating the.

I know it looks like I’m about to eat the kids in this picture. I promise… I’m only thinking about eating the.

And then Paige Britt, author of the forthcoming The Track of Lost Time, came to watch and take pictures and cheer me on! Thanks, Paige! I can’t wait for your book.

The requisite selfie taken with Paige Britt, Debut Author Extraordinaire!

The requisite selfie taken with Paige Britt, Debut Author Extraordinaire!

Rejected Fan Mail, or What To Do if I Don’t Answer Your Email

Hello!! I have been having the  MOST FUN January ever. Also the busiest one!

You see, I went to Norman, Oklahoma, and spent two weeks visiting with the coolest readers and aspiring young writers, and meeting and chatting with the loveliest librarians. When I got home, I knew I had to buckle down to finish my next book… and then the most glorious deluge of emails began. From kids!!

If you think this is going to be one of those “Why I can’t answer your email” posts? Wrong. I am not yet Ms. Fancypants, with no hours free, and if you email me, I WILL email you back! It just might take me a while. Like a week.

This is one of those, “What if if I never get that email response” posts. You see, one of the cool things about being a writer for young people is that I get to interact with kids. But one of the bad things* about kid email accounts (especially the school ones) is that those accounts are not allowed to receive email replies from outside sources! Like me.

Possibly your principals have read my debut novel, and decided I am not a Good Influence on Children. Bwa ha ha! They may be right. 🙂

So, a better way to contact me? Well, Twitter for one! Or, if your question is the type you think other readers would love to see… check out my Ask the Author Questions page on Goodreads!

Or, you know, use your Mom’s email account, with her permission of course, if your note is personal. Who knows? She might be so thrilled to see you emailing an author, she’ll take you to the bookstore and buy you a whole ton of books…

So, long story short? I WILL get back to you, but you may have to try a few different ways to reach me!

Now, I’m off to the AWESOME kids at Doss Elementary in Austin this week, then getting ready to do a super fun event at Lanier High School on Saturday, and then I’m off to Stillwater, Oklahoma on Monday for a week of MORE FUN!

Time to take my vitamins. **

*Okay, BTW, that isn’t really a “bad thing” – I’m SO glad the school accounts protect kids from receiving creepy emails from strangers. So I totally understand this. And am cool with it. But I still want you to know, I am not ignoring you!

** code word for chocolate


Happy New Year, and Happy Writing :)

Happy Almost New Year!

It’s been a terribly exciting year for me… full of terrible things (let’s not talk about dental work and editors who leave) and wonderful things, too. The book of my heart, Nightingale’s Nest, flew out into the world, and my next, Wish Girl, is poised for its own launch. (On February 28th at Bookpeople in Austin, Texas, if you’re interested!) Some very wonderful people have been saying some super lovely things about Wish Girl (and NOT saying them, too. How’s THIS for a review? haha).

I traveled to Europe three times in 2014, and spoke at more conferences and schools than I can remember. (Possibly because I am old and forget stuff.) And I leave in a few days to start a tour of one of the friendliest states I’ve ever been to — Oklahoma!

I think 2015 is going to be amazing. For one thing, I’ve fallen back in love with writing scary stories (thanks to a super creepy story I wrote for the upcoming Guys Read: Terrifying Tales anthology). I’m never happier than when I’m creating new worlds, new characters, new terrors…

Anyway, I’m about to make up my list of writing resolutions, and these fun new ideas have me feeling ambitious. I think I’m aiming to finish one book and draft two more in 2015. What about you? Anyone out there going to shoot for the moon?

I hope so!

Oh, and if you’re interested in reading more about Wish Girl, or me, or SCBWI (my favorite writing group), please check out this interview!