Nightingale’s Nest Blog Tour Begins!

Happy Book Launch Week to you! (What, you say it’s not YOUR book launch week? That”s okay, I’ll share MINE.) I’m planning to celebrate with cookies, champagne, and a Blog Tour!

I’m super excited that Erica at The Book Cellar has a post up today with not only a giveaway of Nightingale’s Nest, but also the first excerpt from the book!  So, hop on over and enter.

NightingalesNest graphic

Then, if you’re a bird lover, go check out the lovely review of NEST on Jeannette Larson’s Bird Brainz blog.

You can still enter Chris Barton’s Bartography Express giveaway, too. Hmm. At this point, none of you may actually need to BUY this book. JUST KIDDING. I want you all to do just like my sister does, and buy enough copies to build a raised bed garden out of them.

Not enough for ya? Check back tomorrow… there will be MORE.

Posted in Children's Fiction on 02/17/2014 08:25 am

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