The Secret (not)

Okay, I know this might be no big deal to you famous author-types out there, but I’m not quite famous yet. So it was a special little thrill to be surfing through my bookmarked sites last night and to stumble upon this. Isn’t that sweet? I thought so, too.

I had lots of writer-friends being very happy for me last week with all my good news (um, Universe? if you want to spread the good news out in the future, that would be okay, too!  Just sayin’.) and one (happy but frustrated) writer-friend saying “what’s your secret???”

Okay, here it is: I work my butt off.

Yeah, I know. If I had read The Secret, I could say something like “I send my positive thoughts out in the universe, and I receive that which I myself manifested.” But that’s bull. I pray like heck, and type as fast as I can with the five or six fingers that I use to type.

But the truth is, I treat this writing thing like a job, even before it’s paying like one. I sit down every day, and if the Muse ain’t talkin’, I write query letters instead of my WIP. I keep track of my submissions, and I aim to have 35-45 subs out at a time.

Yep, you heard that right. From puppet plays (yay!) to novel queries, to PBs (still have one in committee!) to essays, I keep the pipeline flowing.

So, if you were wondering what I do with all my time, that’s the answer. Oh, I also spend some time reading rejection letters and eating chocolate to soothe my ravaged soul. But don’t we all?

Posted in Children's Fiction, Miscellaneous on 09/18/2009 12:11 pm

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