What Do You Love?
Happy Valentine’s Day, Writer Friends!
I spent the morning surrounded by the boys I love most in the world, boys who gave me Lindt chocolate bars (thus proving their love for me), and now I’m spending the rest of it doing that thing I most love to do: Writing.
While eating chocolate, of course.
Just like I hope all of you will find someone who loves you like my sweet Valentine husband loves me – I hope you love your work as much as I do. Even on those frustrating, unproductive writing days, the work I have to do thrills me way down deep.
Does your writing give you a sense of purpose? Of connection? Of pride? Does it fill your dreams and your daydreams? Do you love it, truly, deeply?
I hope so, Friends. This Valentine’s Day, my wish for you is this: Do what you love. Love what you do. And eat as much chocolate as you need to to see you through the rough patches! xoxox