Unexpected Reading Jag
Uh, oh, Friends. I finished the draft of The Dark House, threw the confetti, edited it once, sent it off to a couple of Lovely Writer Friends to read… and completely forgot about the Post-Draft Reading Jag.
Oh, man. I’ve been reading at least a book a day this week. My eyes sort of hurt from it. But it’s a good hurt.
Also, my stomach hurts – but that’s from laughing. If you’ve never heard of it*, RUN right over to Chuck Wendig’s blog and read ANYTHING he’s written. I’ve decided to completely give up dispensing any sort of writing advice, and just refer people to him now. For one thing, his advice is great, and hilariously well-written. For another thing, I’ll scare off any Writer Friends who don’t have their big-girl panties on. Speaking of knickers, I particularly like this post on Pantsers vs. Plotters, and this one on How Not to Starve and Die as a Writer. Could not stop laughing on that one.
Disclaimer: I didn’t find Chuck Wendig by calling Madame Chloe. I found his blog by way of the Friday YA Highway Round-up, the VERY first website I check out on Fridays when I’m supposed to be, um, writing. Oh, yeah.
News: The children’s short story I wrote is up on Literature4Kids this month!
More News: Run over to Jo Whittemore’s blog and congratulate her on selling D in Drama. Time for champagne, Jo!
Even More News: I’m going to new York next Thursday! More on that trip later…
Have a great weekend, Writer Friends!
* And if you are NOT easily offended by seriously soap/mouth language and slightly-too-frequent-for-comfort references to cannibalism.
03/07/2011 at 11:32 am
Nikki, Congrats on finishing your ms, The Dark House. Enjoy your trip. I’ll check out your recommended reading and of course, I’ll pop over to Literature4Kids.:)
03/22/2011 at 6:37 pm
Nan! How would you like to… read more pages. Can you smell the desperate longing for your insightful comments from there? LOL