My Spring: Houston Conferences

Hiya Peeps! I’m packing this morning for the annual Houston SCBWI conference. This was my very first conference as a kidlit writer two years ago – ah, the stories I could tell of that first year! *

I should say, the stories I *will* tell. I’ve been spending some quality time this week preparing my presentation for another Houston conference, the Houston Writer’s Guild one on May 7th. I will present on “Cracking the Children’s/YA Market.”

So, should I take eggs for my visual aid? And crack them on people’s heads? *runs off to buy cascarones*

No, no. I was thinking of a Powerpoint, something more along the lines of this. That would keep your attention, wouldn’t it?

Oooh! Oooh! I have great news!!! I just got a lovely acceptance email from the editor of Flash Fiction Online. (If you don’t read this, you must! Pop on over and sign up for their monthly email. They have some of the most wonderful stories.) I feel so happy – this will be my first piece of flash fiction published, and it’s (covertly) a YA piece.

I hope you all have as much Writerly Goodness in store! Write well, and quickly, and crack a cascarone on your own head every once in a while – surefire cure for writer’s block!

Note: Check out Mon Agent Extraordinaire over in Chuck Sambuchino’s Guide to Literary Agents. Isn’t she delightful?

* Embarrassing, humiliating stories. No, really, I love this one – all those talented, funny Houston writers, like Lynne Kelly and Jenny Moss.  Can’t wait!

Posted in Children's Fiction, Miscellaneous on 04/08/2011 12:33 pm

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