An Interview, a Conference, and a Trip To Japan!
Dear friends, this week is all about upcoming excitement! Most of you (since most of my readers are, I assume, my mom and sisters. Hi, Mom!) know I’m going to Japan in a week to do author visits. (Where I will see this.) I am so excited I can’t stand it! I’m also a little nervous, as I’m NOT the lightest packer on the block, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to blow through the weight limit on luggage… any tips, world traveler friends? And don’t say e books. Grr. My e-reader is older than dirt. Slow and annoying. I need an iPad or something.
I also had the added excitement of a lovely review of Sinister Sweetness on the Park Ridge Public Library blog – and then being asked to do an interview! (Which you can read right here. Come on, I know you’re DYING to read about how many rejections I suffered, and my least/most favorite words. And no, my favorite word is not “advance.”)
Now I have to go tweak a half dozen PowerPoints for my upcoming school visits – oh, and can’t forget the local Region 13 ESC Literacy conference I’m presenting at next Monday! People? I’m going to need more caffeine.
No, seriously, this job is the Most Fun Ever. Hope your week is going as well – and fast – as mine!
03/19/2013 at 10:43 am
That’s so exciting!! 🙂 I hope you’ll post pics when you get back! I’m horrible at packing lightly, but I’ve seen some fun packing tips on Pinterest lately. One of my most favorite travel tips is: “Don’t pack for a worst case scenario. Pack for a best case scenario, and then pick up whatever else you need when you get where you’re going.” I also saw a travel show recently, where the guy talked about how “fun” it is to go in stores and try to find what you left at home. He said, “Forgot your toothpaste? Just find something that looks like toothpaste…” Which made me laugh. Because he totally could have picked up a tube of Preparation H or something. So that’s probably not good advice.
03/19/2013 at 8:20 pm
I LOVE this! I am packing a TON of books to gift to the libraries there, and some other things for my hosts… just means more room for souvenirs, right? I will post so many pics, everyone will be sick of it. And, BTW, you’re not my mom, and you read my blog? hahaha No, seriously. I might need to up my game.
03/21/2013 at 7:24 am
What a wonderful opportunity for you, Nikki. It is fabulous that you are enjoying your interviews and author visits so much. Best of luck to you on getting the word out there about your terrific book.
03/23/2013 at 8:35 pm
I cannot wait to hear all about your trip and see the pics! I’d offer you tips on packing light but I couldn’t even pack for a week and a half in Cleveland without using two suitcases. I say just pack it all. Unless you have plenty of downtime there, in which case I recommend packing very light on the way over and taking an empty suitcase to bring back the clothes you buy while shopping there. 🙂