Summer So Far: Pretty Darn Amazing

Wow. This summer has been one for the books, pun intended. Not only did I take my family on a trip to British Columbia and Washington State…

waterfall lighthouse rainbowcanada chihulyglass

… but while I was away, the Writer’s League of Texas notified me that my book, Nightingale’s Nest, had won the 2014 WLT book award for MG/YA!!


I joined the Writer’s League of Texas way back when it was the Austin Writer’s League, WAY back in the day. Now it’s a huge, statewide, wonderful group of writers and writing professionals who help one another out… and who occasionally give out prizes that make some of their members get all teary and thankful.

Thank you, WLT. I owe so much of my success as a writer to you, and I am elated to be able to tell the world that you love my books, too!

Now, I’m getting back to work instantly on my next book… I’m in that scared/nervous/giddy phase of drafting. Is it any good? Am I making the right authorial choices? Should I just take a nap instead?

NO. Coffee time. Then writing. THEN nap.

Happy summer to you, friends!


Posted in Children's Fiction, Family News, People I Love on 07/22/2015 07:28 pm

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