Yeah, I know. There are FAR worse things I could fight with my nine-year-old over. But the recent stack of books we checked out from the library had some extremely hot properties in it! Things got a bit ugly. Is … Continue reading →
Adios, Amigos/Amigas! I’m off on a road trip tomorrow! For those of you who are feeling jealous, let me clarify: A 23-hour road trip to Ohio, with my two sons, my mother, and my mother’s aptly-named chihuahua, Booger. Not so … Continue reading →
Hot… hot…hot… even for this native Texas girl. Record-breaking days, one after another. We’re melting….. And you know what makes it hotter? Trying to do final revisions of a manuscript while your kids are hanging off your legs, whining about … Continue reading →
Howdy, y’all! It’s been an amazing month. First, a trip to Scotland, England, and Canada (check out the photos on Dave’s photoblog as he posts them). In Toronto, we climbed the CN Tower, the world’s tallest… and then I came … Continue reading →
Don’t you all wish you had husbands who, when they hear you had a rejection that day, come home with roses? And not just any roses –yellow ones? Already arranged, in a vase? That editorial board may not appreciate my … Continue reading →
My kids are ecstatic — counting the days, the hours, the minutes, until school is out. They only have four more days of school. I only have four more days of uninterrupted writing. I am a terrible mother. I know … Continue reading →
Just a quick post to tell the world that my manuscript, Raymond Mahaney, Soccer Failure, has been selected as a finalist in the Writer’s League of Texas Manuscript Competition! Of course, I won’t find out if I won until the … Continue reading →
Do you remember that feeling you get when you’re just about to kiss a new girl/boyfriend for the very first time? Or that feeling you get when you’re going up the first steep hill on a roller coaster and you … Continue reading →
I can’t help it! I have to blog one more time before I go to Vegas. Last night, on my Mother’s Day date (perfect: excellent Thai food, an hour in Borders, and a Star Trek movie filled with eye candy … Continue reading →
I read a book on creativity a while back, a borrowed one, unfortunately, or I would be able to remember who said that an artist/writer needed to “go for a long walk, and every day, and alone.” For me, that’s … Continue reading →