Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category

Write the Next Book

Some of my friends in the Writing World are going through tough times. I hate this for them — writing is hard enough without dealing with rejected manuscripts, agent-loss, and endless rounds of inadequate revision. You may not know it, … Continue reading


So, last week was Banned Books week. I kept wanting to blog about it, but I was in the middle of a personal Fahrenheit 451 episode in my own writing life, so I took a break. Of course, the censorship … Continue reading

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Ever have one of those weeks where all the troubles of the world come crashing down on you? And your kids need you, and your house looks like a slob pit, and you haven’t updated your blog in a week, … Continue reading

Vlog Fail…?

It’s been an interesting day in Nikkiland, Writer Friends. I spent an alarming amount of time working on my Very First Ever Vlog (Or Video Blog, for my technophobe friends), for which I actually put on makeup, changed clothes, and … Continue reading

Possess: How A Book Saved My Whole Neighborhood*

I was supposed to be writing today. I came home from my other job, setlled down in front of my computer, checked the email… and gazed longingly at this. My new book, the book I’d been hearing all those good … Continue reading

Origami Yoda, or How To Do an Author Signing

So, one of those things Debut Authors do in those months up to The Big Day (whch I have found out recently for MY first book, is August 21, 2012!! Woo hoo!) is go to other author’s events. Of course, … Continue reading

Sixth Grade PTSD

Today is one of the worst days of the year for me: the first day of school. No, not school for me, sillies. For my kids. I know, I know. It’s dumb. I get all worked up, worrying about them … Continue reading

Unicorns in the Desert

So, the thing is, there were unicorns there. No, not the kind with sparkly horns and magical rainbow-surfing skills. The real kind. Last week, I got back from the A Room of her Own Writing Retreat in Ghost Ranch, New … Continue reading

Conference News

No, actually, I’m too tired. But I promise I’ll post about the AROHO conference in a day or two. I’ll just say one thing: There were unicorns there. Dozens of them.   No, I’m not kidding, I’ll explain later. (I … Continue reading

Writing From Spite

Have you ever written a guest post and thought, “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t have been quite that honest?” Yeah, me too. Recently, actually. 😉 Hop on over to my friend (and excellent writer) Samantha Clark’s blog to read my overshare … Continue reading