What I’m Reading Now: Joyfully Dismantling the TBR Tower

I’ve been reading through my TBR pile. Well, “pile” isn’t really apt. It’s shelves upon shelves of books I have purchased or been given, every one of which I have been told by people I know and trust is a Worthwhile Read. Almost all of them are MG, YA, or adult nonfiction. (Research FTW!)

The TBR tower is simultaneously a thing of great delight… and terror. How will I ever get through all those books? How will I resist buying even more before I read the ones I already have? (Spoiler: I won’t. I am addicted to buying books.) And most importantly… will I LOVE the books I read next?

Last week, the answer was a resounding YES three times in a row. And so, without giving spoilers – because I might not have chosen these three if I had known what the subject matter in each was, precisely – I found three new, amazing MG reads.

Trust me: Move these to the tippy top of your TBR tower! You’ll thank me.

Swing Sideways by Nanci Turner Stevenson

Swing Sideways by Nanci Turner Steveson

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

The War That Saved my Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

The War That Saved my Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley






Posted in Children's Fiction, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized on 08/08/2016 12:57 pm

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