What I’m Reading Now: Joyfully Dismantling the TBR Tower
I’ve been reading through my TBR pile. Well, “pile” isn’t really apt. It’s shelves upon shelves of books I have purchased or been given, every one of which I have been told by people I know and trust is a Worthwhile Read. Almost all of them are MG, YA, or adult nonfiction. (Research FTW!)
The TBR tower is simultaneously a thing of great delight… and terror. How will I ever get through all those books? How will I resist buying even more before I read the ones I already have? (Spoiler: I won’t. I am addicted to buying books.) And most importantly… will I LOVE the books I read next?
Last week, the answer was a resounding YES three times in a row. And so, without giving spoilers – because I might not have chosen these three if I had known what the subject matter in each was, precisely – I found three new, amazing MG reads.
Trust me: Move these to the tippy top of your TBR tower! You’ll thank me.