The Day I Met My Editor

Everyone’s laughing at how fast the whole thing is going for me – the pubishing thing, that is. Which makes me want to laugh, AND cry, and cringe. “It hasn’t been fast!” I want to scream. “It’s been glacier-slow! Continents have drifted, stars have collided, galaxies formed and crumbled since I started writing this book!” Although that might be a slight exaggeration.

But still. I went through so many of those traditional “firsts” when we were still in Top Secret Mode for MONTHS after signing. I didn’t get to post pictures of a contract, pictures of my editor at lunch in NYC, pictures of my edit letter. So I’m doing a bunch of that now. Why? Because probably, if you’re still reading ths, you’re my mom and you care.

Here’s my editor! She is beautiful! She is tall! She has exquisite taste in restaurants! I am ever-so-slightly in love with her.

Lunch with Laura

And here is my editing letter! it came to my house… no, wait. It didn’t. It came to my TRASH CAN.

Hey, what's that on my trash can?

Hey, what's that on my trash can?

Yes, the Fedex guy left it tied to the trash can.

No, seriously. You trash guys are suppsoed to PICK UP the trash, not leave it...

No, seriously. You trash guys are supposed to PICK UP the trash, not leave it...

Did he know something?

This is me, trying not to read too much into the fact that my edit letter was delivered in a trash bag.

This is me, trying not to read too much into the fact that my edit letter was delivered in a trash bag.

As it turns out, no. Laura’s comments were all editorial GOLD. She loved my manuscript, ans she is a Super Genius, and Super Geniuses just have a lot to say about… things. Manuscript-y things that need some fixing. *whimper*

And now, we’re through with the substantial edits, and I’m waiting for my line edits. Of course, I’m also following the sage advice of my published Writer Friends, and writing as fast as I can. Well, revising this week, adding in Completely Inappropriate Scenes for middle-grade fiction that will be deleted once Suzie sees them. I think. But so much fun to write.

And honestly? This *is* the fun part, y’all. It doesn’t ever seem to get less nerve-wracking, but it gets a LOT more fun. Like the downhill part of the roller coaster.

Thanks for letting me share!

Guest Blog Post #2

Before you know it, I’ll be blogging all over myself.

If you’re not bored of me yet, please go check out my guest post on my friend Emily Kristin Anderson’s excellent blog. Her blog is what my blog would be if I had more time, energy, a more organized mind, and knew more about publishing. (Wow, I got tired just writing that sentence and thinking about all the stuff Emily does!) Ms. Anderson also has the distinction of being one of the most voracious readers I’ve ever met or HEARD OF. If you want to know if a YA book was good – even a book that won’t come out in print for another year? – ask Emily.

By the way, she’s also one of the creators of the amazing blog called Dear Teen Me. And I have another post coming up in a few weeks! A funny one, all about my awkward high school facial hair.  Wait for it, wait for it…

In Nikki News: This week, I’ve been working on revisions to The Dark House, and panicking over the POV. Thank you to my good friends who talked me down. You know who you are. I’ve also been taking care of a sick kid, planning my Halloween costume (I’m going as Ke$ha. Dirt and glitter, a gold tooth… what else do I need?), and reading some amazing books. More on those later. Have a great weekend, Writer Friends!

Book Launch Party Planning

I know quite a few authors now, and all of them have different stages of the publishing process that really appeal to them. Some of them (sickos) love revision, some go all gooey at the thought of seeing their galleys/ARC/finished book on the shelf at B&N. Me? I spend most of my daydreaming time planning for my book launch party.

That’s right. I’m party planning for next year. Don’t laugh. If you’d written a book about a school with haute cuisine in the cafeteria, and bowls of candy on every desk, you’d have some ideas, too. (Where can I get small, golden bowls for the M&Ms I MUST give out to my partygoers? Anyone?)

Of course, the book also touches on the possible cannibalization of small children, so that opens some interesting culinary doors. No, I’m not planning on serving my sons up as spare ribs! But gingerbread cookies with names? Small, child-sized, lifelike fingers and toes made of marzipan?Yesssssssss.

I am a very sick woman.

I’ve been attending book launches like a bride goes to wedding expos — with a gleam in my eye, and a notepad handy when I see great ideas. I’ve seen a lot of amazing launches – I do live in Austin, after all, so we’re lousy with talented authors who throw amazing parties/launches at our local Indie, Bookpeople.

I’m thinking of having more than one launch – why not? I had more than one wedding reception! (Three actually, one in Scotland with all those lovely boys in kilts. Dude, I got some wear out of my wedding dress.) I want to support my local library, so I’m thinking of doing a summer program there, with a contest for kids to design their most elaborate, magical school cafeteria menu… or playground… with prizes (donated signed books?) for the winners, and food for everyone.

Enough food to fatten up all the children, at least.

Can you tell I’m excited? What can I say: I’m a party girl.

So, what is your dream, Writer Friends? Are you a Contract in the Mail type? An Advance Check dreamer? A secret Newbery Fiend? What keeps you writing through the rejections and the revisions?


I have nothing in the world to be upset about. My life is amazing, my family is healthy, and I have a book deal, for crying out loud. But every day, my mind keeps skipping to what’s happening in our local public school system this coming year because of the short-sightedness of our state government, and their unwillingness to restore funding to our public schools.

Yep, you read that right. I’m talking politics. I have never posted a political rant on this blog before. But that’s because they never fired all the librarians in my kids’ school district before. Not to mention the art and music teachers, the aides, the secretaries, and getting rid of the GT program.

I was angry. And then a parent mentioned to me on the weekend that “at least they’re not firing any real teachers.” It was very hard not to scream. Thank goodness my mama raised me right.

I ran across this post by Gayle Forman today. Feel free to go read it. I’m not going to go on myself, since if I did, I would probably start dropping F-bombs like she does in the post. But I agree with her.

In fact, I’m not going to rant. I’m just going to say this: my heart is breaking. What will we do with no librarians? What will we do when almost all the music and art teachers are gone? What kind of education is that? There’s gotta be a best-selling YA dystopian in there somewhere. You find it, Writer Friends. I’m too heartsick.

N.B. And, look. They’re doing it in California, too. WTF. And I know there is some good news on the horizon, possibly. But it still won’t affect our district, since all the cuts I mentioned will still be in effect to make ends meet.

Signs of the Apocalypsies

I posted last time about the real treasure of writing conferences being the Writer Friends you make there. I didn’t realize one of the effects of getting The Call from an Editor would mean a similar prize! (I mean, I knew about advance checks, and seeing your book on shelves, etc.) But since I’ve announced the book deal, I’ve been invited to join several groups that exist to support writers who are approaching publication.  One of these groups is the Apocalypsies, a supportive group of writers whose debut MG/YA novels come out in 2012 — just in time for the end of the world.* Not only do they have the coolest name ever, they have some of the most amazing authors.

Today, one of them revealed her cover to the world. Check Leanna Hieber’s amazing new cover out here! I know, isn’t it gorgeous? I can’t wait to read her book. Doesn’t it sound deliciously dark and scary? I’m loving me some scary right now.

I’m sure you’ll see a lot more posts about my fellow Apocalypsies’ covers, contests, and release parties in the next few months. We have to celebrate for each other, right? Every week we all get a little closer to publication… or the End Times. Whichever, I imagine we’ll all need friends to help us get through it.

Write well this week! My round one edits are turned in, and I am reading YOUR work today! Yes, I am. 😉

* Although I saw on the news last night (and by news, I mean The Daily Show) the apocalypse is actually slated for this month, May 21st to be exact.

Conference Afterglow

What is it about a great writing conference that makes the following week seem positively bursting with writerly possibility? It’s like conferences produce tons of little idea babies that follow you home and keep you up at night. Kinda like those bedbugs from the hotels in Vegas. Souvenirs for everyone!

Okay, not exactly like that.

I’m home from the Houston Writer’s Guild conference, and having to tamp down all those Shiny New Ideas, since I have a fast approaching deadline. (It’s okay, not panicking since I think I’m done, just re-reading the last few chapters. Squee!) I had a blast in Houston, thanks to Roger Paulding, who invited me to speak and hang out. Thanks, Roger! I also met some new Writer Friends, including the amazing Elaine Scott who made her topic, writing middle grade nonfiction, sparkle like the stars!

In my talk, I said that the real treasure of writer’s conferences is the other writers you meet. I would like to introduce you to some of those people (clever ones who already have their blog posts up!).  You all know Vonna Carter, I’m sure — she writes an amazing blog for any writers, especially Houston-based kid lit ones, to read.  I also met and/or caught up with the incredibly lovely Sarah Warburton, the up-and-coming Lauren Hennessy, the amazingly prolific Pamela Hutchins… and so many others.

I know, I know. You’re going, WHO? Most post-conference blogs focus on the Names. Josh Getzler, Chuck Sambuchino, those guys. And, yes, they were amazing. But probably, they’re not going to come to my house and have ribs at the Salt Lick for my release party. (Although that would be so freaking amazing.)

These others? They’re all on the invite list. 😉 Have a great writing day, Friends! I’m off to read a bit more of my deathless prose (*coughchokesputter*), then hit send to my editor. Yay!

* If you were one of those who asked for my presentation to be linked here, I’m working on it. I’m going to add a new page with those Important Links and Awesome People as soon as I can. Be patient! Next week, probably.

Houston Writer’s Guild Conference, Coming Up!

So, if any of you are in Houston this weekend, you should totally go to the HWG Conference. I’ve heard this AMAZING author is going to speak.

I’ve also heard this newbie author, Nikki Somebody-or-Other, is planning to give out chocolate so people won’t leave HER talk early.


I’m presenting a lovely, hour-long, whimsical journey through the perilous path to publication… complete with a Powerpoint presentation. (Oh, gods of Powerpoint, have mercy on me. Do not spurn me, and leave me with the Dark Projector Screen of Despair.)

Powerpoint with pictures like THIS. So it’s going to be awesome.

And I wasn’t kidding about the chocolate.

Oh, and next week, I’ll post the pictures of my editor, my revision letter that came in the trash (oh,yeah, you’ll want to see THAT one), and tell about the Call from Suzie about The Offer. I laughed. I cried. it was SO MUCH better than Cats.


I’ve been dying to spill this news. DYING, I tell you! At long last, I’m allowed. Publisher’s Marketplace had this wonderful  little announcement in it this morning.

Nikki Loftin’s debut novel THE SINISTER SWEETNESS OF SPLENDID ACADEMY, pitched as Coraline meets Hansel and Gretel, about a young girl whose seemingly delightful new school hides frightening secrets, to Laura Arnold at Razorbill, in a two-book deal, for publication in Summer 2012, by Suzie Townsend at Fineprint Literary Management (World).

Oh, I’m going to have a TON of stories to tell about this process — The contracts have been signed for months, I’ve already had my editing letter, finished the first revision, have it ready to send back to Laura in a few days… I went to New York and MET her!! (She is a DOLL!) Oh, lots of stories. But for today, just this: Thank you Suzie Townsend, for making this happen for me.

And thank you, Writer Friends, for everything.

Sign #473 of the Apocalypse

Dear Hearts and Gentle People,

I did it. I bought an e-reader. A Kindle, to be specific, and I still feel kind of dirty and ashamed. It’s not here yet. Will it arrive wrapped in brown paper, so none of my neighbors will suspect?

As one of my friends said, I’ve gone over to the Dark Side.

Oh, well. I hear they have cookies.


Nikki “The Technophobe” Loftin

For your listening pleasure.

My New Favorite Song

Happy Sunday, Writer Friends! I found this amazing video on Kiersten White’s fabulous blog. I couldn’t resist re-posting it here. Enjoy!